A National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a unique identifier assigned to healthcare providers by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in the United States. It is a 10-digit number used by healthcare providers for billing and insurance purposes.

An NPI agreement is a legal document that outlines the relationship between a healthcare provider and a third-party service provider who uses the NPI to process claims, bill insurance companies, and perform other administrative tasks. The agreement specifies the responsibilities of each party and ensures that the use of the NPI is in compliance with HIPAA regulations.

Why is an NPI agreement necessary?

An NPI agreement is necessary to protect the privacy and security of patient information. Healthcare providers are required by law to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations, which establish national standards for the protection of medical records and other personal health information.

The NPI is a critical piece of information that must be kept confidential, as it can be used to access sensitive patient data. An NPI agreement ensures that the use of the NPI is in compliance with HIPAA regulations and that all parties involved in the use of the NPI are aware of their responsibilities.

What should be included in an NPI agreement?

An NPI agreement should include the following:

1. Identification of the parties involved: The agreement should clearly identify the healthcare provider and the third-party service provider who will be using the NPI.

2. Purpose of use: The agreement should specify the purpose for which the NPI will be used, such as billing, claims processing, or other administrative tasks.

3. Compliance with HIPAA regulations: The agreement should state that all parties involved in the use of the NPI will comply with HIPAA regulations and other applicable laws.

4. Responsibilities of the parties: The agreement should specify the responsibilities of the healthcare provider and the third-party service provider in the use of the NPI, such as maintaining the confidentiality and security of the NPI and patient information.

5. Data ownership: The agreement should specify who owns the data that is generated as a result of the use of the NPI.


In conclusion, an NPI agreement is a necessary document that outlines the relationship between healthcare providers and third-party service providers who utilize the NPI. The agreement ensures that the use of the NPI is in compliance with HIPAA regulations and that patient information is protected. When creating an NPI agreement, it is critical to ensure that all parties involved understand their responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.